Drawing Machines laser works

Wave Form (2015)

I’ve been drawing with a laser since the beginning of the year and all the work in this exhibition was produced, in one way or another, using a 445nm laser. 445nm is the frequency of light and, as you can see in the video below, it is in the blue part of the visible spectrum.…


Drawing machine stepper motors

Things are about to get a bit nerdy. I’ve been meaning to write a technical note on the motors that I use for the Dimensions of Line drawing machine for a while now. I’m currently using a pair of these EvoDrive ST-23 Stepper Servo motors along with an integrated Evoduino micro-controller. This allows me to…


Overtone Singing: continuous overdub tutorial

Some of the creative things that I do don’t fit neatly into the categories on this site so they end up here in the blog section.  One of those things is overtone singing. I’ve been singing harmonic overtones as a meditative practice for  many years. Its something that I’ve always done for myself. This is…